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Unverified Commit ca7923f1 authored by aszlig's avatar aszlig
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nss: Provide a more stable URL for pkgconfig patch

Since 2bf0f84f, the patch isn't in our
repository anymore but being fetched from its origin.

However, the origin URL is always pointing to the latest master version
of Gentoo. This has the downside that whenever Gentoo changes the patch,
our build of NSS will be broken.

Also, I'm providing a comment here indicating what the patch does.

As to the reason *why* the patch is there, I vaguely remeber seeing a
few libraries/applications that depend on NSS relying that there's a
pkgconfig file.

After checking a few distros, they all seem to have it:

The issue is already reported upstream but hasn't been fixed yet:

Tested by building nss on x86_64-linux (the hash didn't change anyway,
but just to be sure).

Signed-off-by: default avataraszlig <>
parent f47757aa
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